Hey guys so i've made a second pair of festival sunglasses! full YouTube video available below. Although Coachella is now long it's not too late to rock these this summer! Super easy to make and cost me under £10 to make so why not get involved today!
For this project you will need:
Acrylic paint and a paintbrush
PVA glue (accidentally missed this out in the image below!)
2 miniature toy animals
Glasses chain
Sticker gems
Trace chain (2mm), Jump ring (5mm)
Side cutters
1. Firstly paint your miniature animal toys with acrylic paint and leave to dry.

2. Once dry, apply PVA glue on the arch and head of your toy animals and apply glitter over this.

3. Once the glitter has dried onto your miniature toys, superglue this on to your sunglasses.

4. Using some side cutters, cut a piece of chain long enough to wrap around the two toy animals necks. Form a hoop using the jump ring to connect the chain together on one end of the chain and repeat this same process on the other end of the chain. If you have any remaining chain left over, use the side cutters to cut this off.

5. Using your sticker gems, carefully stick each gem around the edge of your lens.

6. Finally add the chain to your glasses and voila you’re now ready to rock these festival glasses this summer!